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Listing auctions on eBay can be expensive, most sellers have to charge more for shipping to cover the costs of a gift card listing for auction. This doesn't mean you can't find a good deal on auction, it just means often the best place to start is with a search of eBay stores . Also, sellers who have an eBay store often have a large assortment for you to choose from, which will allow you to get the most from your shipping dollar. Be sure to look at the shipping costs for coupons. $3 in coupons is not a bargain if you're paying $2 in shipping. . Make sure the seller is actually shipping you coupons to your home. If it is a coupon that you print online, you can find it yourself. Don't be afraid to buy "non-traditional" coupons, like $10 off an entree at the Red Lobster or 50% off Wal Mart.

Pay attention to the expiration date! Make sure the coupons you buy expire at least 2 weeks from the date you will purchase them, so you can have enough time to spend them on your needs or fun.(we need it too).

posted by Mila at 11:06 AM | 0 comments
If your friends just bought a new home and you want to give them a unique housewarming, memorable, yet practical gift, get a beautiful Cuckoo or antique clock.

Clocks set the tone for a home, and create sensory memories that family and friends will recall for years to come. Cuckoo clocks are a number one choice for couples just starting out ,especially if children are on the way. Their handcrafted beauty and style complement many types of home décor, and the sound of the cuckoo will remind you off your friends thoughtfulness for years to come.

Also,antique clocks were made with such high quality that with proper care and maintenance, they can last several centuries, what you can't say about present clocks and watches.Everything is instant and disposable.
We collect antique clocks.It's really fun and adds up some story to your home and you can pass them to you children and so on.

1.Antique clocks.

2.Black forest cuckoo clocks.

3.Grandfather clocks.

Clock Dials! Antique Clock Dials And How To Restore Them Today!

The dial of a clock is usually the first thing to get dirty or discoloured, especially if winding is done by opening a door in the front. A marked improvement can be effected by fixing a new dial made in the manner to be described.

First take off the minute hand. Sometimes this is only sprung on and will come away by merely pulling at the centre, but generally it is secured by a, small pin which is easily withdrawn. The removal of the hour-hand will then present no difficulty. The dial will most likely be fixed by screws to the case, or to the frame of the movement, and by unscrewing these it is detached. Place all the screws, the hands etc, in a box or tray for safety while making the new dial.

You'll need a sheet of fairly stout, smooth-surfaced Bristol board, (A smooth, heavy pasteboard of fine quality); a bottle of waterproof Indian ink ; an ordinary and an ink compass ; a pair of dividers and a ruling pen. Having pinned the white card to a drawing-board to prevent it shifting, measure carefully with the dividers the diameter of the outer circle of the dial, and with the compass make a similar circle on the card ; next measure the inner circle, on which the graduations are to be inscribed, and transfer this also to the copy. The divisions may now be proceeded with. Rule lightly a vertical line across the diameter of the circle ; this will indicate the six o'clock and twelve o'clock graduations.

A second line, also through the centre of the circle, at right angles to the first, divides the dial into four quarters. With the dividers, each quarter is then sub-divided into three equal portions, for the five-minute graduations, and each of the latter into five parts. The dial will then contain sixty divisions. Now measure the respective distances of the top and bottom of the hour figures from the centre of the dial, and with these distances as radii describe two more circles, thus obtaining guide-lines in which to write the figures. With the old dial as a copy, the hours may then be pencilled in, noticing that all the upright strokes radiate from the centre, while the short lines at the top or bottom of each figure are portions of the guide circles. Note that diametrically opposite figures are upside-down as regards each other, and that the " four " is drawn thin. IIII, and not IV.

When the whole is neatly inscribed in pencil, the inking over may begin. The two outer circles are first done with the ink compass, then the divisions with the ruling pen, noting that each of these radiates from the centre. Every quarter-hour mark, however, is made thicker and wedge-shaped, while the intermediate five minutes are indicated by dots. The figures are next carefully inked in, first the radiating upright lines, then any cross strokes, and finally the curved lines at top and bottom, doing the latter with the ink compass. The thick strokes may conveniently made by ruling two thin lines the correct distance apart and filling in the middle space with a fine brush. Care must be taken that one part is dry before attempting another. When all is dry, the pencil marks are removed with a rubber, and the size of the dial is ascertained by laying the old one on top of it, marking at the same time the places where holes are required for the hands and winding key. These are cut out with the point of a sharp penknife, an inked circle having first been drawn round them for ornament. If all has been neatly done, the new dial will be quite undistinguishable from enamelled one, the pure white, smooth surface of the Bristol board having just the right appearance.

To fix the dial, the order adopted in removing the old one is reversed - that is to say, the dial is first screwed to the case, the hour-hand next placed in position, then the washer, and lastly minute hand, not forgetting the pin, if one is used.

Copyright Sarah Stewart 2006

posted by Mila at 12:52 AM | 0 comments
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